External link: http://www.nuffnang.com.my/blog/2011/08/12/let-your-voices-be-heard/
Do read it.
I believe that. It's not like I've gone through every bits of it yet but there are things that I can share. I may not be much of help or be a God but I am trying to share all I can.
I did went through depression, caused by my own confidence and self esteem issue and of course, BOYS. I am a girl. Of course, boys will be one of them. I know many of them can live without them and they won't get hurt by them but let's just say, I know but I'm still doing it - STUBBORN?
If only I chose to give those guys up, the ones I clearly knew that is hurting me, then I won't fall into depression. Recently, I got out of one, because of someone, who is there for me all the time, and I felt that I am not alone. So, friends play an important role.
Yes, the depressed ones may be scary to approach but try to show that you actually care. Not mere busybody, trying to know their problems and spread it around. It hurts you know? This will cause more pain to the depressed one already. Like hello I'm already depressed and you're adding this to make me feel even more depressed?
I don't know about others, but that was how it is for me.
As for confidence and self esteem.. Make up is not everything. If you don't feel comfortable, don't put it on. It might not be good for your skin. So what if you think you're ugly? You still gotta live. If you are trying to say I don't understand right now, hello, I am going through the same thing. Au naturale is the way (:
What if, your boyfriend sees you without makeup? Wouldn't it be bad? He may not say it, but he knows it's a big difference. Make up is definitely wonderful. It's awesome, it makes your face flawless, but it's only for temporary. Come on, you know that right?
I feel like I am fat, ugly, and stupid. It is because I know I am short. People say that I am short. It hurts me so deeply I don't even want to voice it out. People make remarkable statements about my breasts. I feel even more insecure with that. I even thought of plastic surgery. I know I will have side effects for that but I don't care. I told them before, I don't like to hear that, and yet I still hear them. If you have friends like this, try to understand.
Even when I was younger, I used to lock myself out from the society because I felt very dumb. Or helpless that I cannot do anything for myself. This, I would say, I was psychological bullied.
I stayed home and cried all day all night. Until 1 day, I realized that, I shouldn't care about what people say anymore. Well, we all should, but it depends.
I feel depressed also because I am stuck in a course where I know I won't be doing well. Which I am now.
You might ask why I kept aiming for Pharmacy all these while and now, I start complaining about this?
Because it's not what I wanted. My dad gave me 3 choices between Medicine, Dentistry and Pharmacy. Business, Mass Comm, Engineering, Architecture, were all out of the choice. How am I going to live with that? &I do know I will survive better in Business, or Mass Comm.
It's also because I am scared of my dad. He has a very bad temper that I cannot describe. I am scared being scolded. Some of you dare to rebel but I don't. I know this is too much information, but, my dad is capable in kicking me out from the house. I don't want to lose everything, that's why I stick to this.
If you are in the same shoes, try living with it since there's nothing can be done anyway. I cry sometimes when I cannot handle them anyway. Another 3 years to go to suffer with all the Biological terms and I'm done.
Friends is definitely 1 of the easiest way to get into the wrong path.
I was lucky I met awesome friends, who made me who I am today. You have the choice to choose your friends. Be smart, and open your eyes wide to see who they really are, and whether if they will change your life to hell.
My brother wasn't as lucky as me, or shall I say, dumb? Harsh but it's true. He didn't get into a good class when he transferred to a new school around 2-3 years back, and he mixed with the wrong group.
From someone who still had a future became someone with no future. From someone who planned to become a businessman because he knows he won't do well academically, to someone who wants to be an ultimate all-time gangster. From someone who is quiet and obedient, to someone who rebels to the max and violent.
It hurts everyone around him but he wouldn't know how painful it is to see him that way. So I would say friends do play the most important role during adolescence.
I know he will make it back to the right path, but by the time he does, it'll be too late.
All I can do for this kind of matter is to pray. And try to talk to him properly and in a nice way. He is too stubborn to accept anyone else's opinions.
Sorry guys, I know this is too personal but as the topic says it all..
Also, I want to say that love yourself before anything else, no matter what.
This statement is my recent principle. Something else happened, that's why it's 'made'.
Clubbing and drinking isn't wrong. But you should know when you should do it. if you know that you have lectures the next day, why do you want to skip lectures for? Club all you want, if you know your lectures start late, or you know you can catch up. Absent from 1 lecture makes a lot of difference.
I like clubbing myself too. But I don't club often. I know clubbing can get addictive and I don't want to go clubbing all night every night or you know, get thinking about clubbing when I am not allowed to club. I know it will affect me. So, yes, set your goals and points right!
Drinking? Hm. I don't touch alcohol because I don't like the taste.
But of course, nothing wrong with it! Just know when you should drink (:
&also, since adolescent is an age of opportunities, I would like to advice young people to take part in MORE extra curricular activities, and enter every competition if you can. It's for self satisfaction, really. You'll feel happier that way (:
Just like recently, I got 3 pairs of TGV tickets from Nuffnang - 2 pairs for my birthday, 1 pair from the ChurpChurp night race. I also joined the Clean and Clear competition, which I am 1 of the Top 20 shortlisted pairs. I also got RM50 from Says.my for advertising & surveys (:
I am happy for that. 3 pairs of TGV tickets (ANY MOVIE!), RM50 and Top 20? (: Of course.
Do things you like, and the ones that make you happy. Achieve small goals to achieve big goals (: That way will definitely make you smile. Just because you cannot do what you want, doesn't mean you cannot be happy (:
Also, say no to your peers if they ask you to try out or do something you don't like. I quote my pre-university teacher, "saying no is a skill". It is indeed a skill. Just because you want to act all nice, you might bring yourself into trouble.
I was treated like a driver because I don't know how to say no. I thought being all nice should be the way but seriously, NO. So yes, do what you really think its okay. You have your rights.
Peer pressure is 1 of the toughest thing to go through. I've been there, done that.
No guys, I am not seeking for sympathy okay? Like I said, I've been there, done that. If you all need someone to talk to, I am sure, everyone will be there for you (: You're not alone!
To all new teenagers out there: STAY STRONG (: Don't ever try to rebel because rebelling might bring you to hell. Rebel if you think you HAVE to rebel. Just like courses. If you think you cannot do the course your parents expect you to do, rebel, if you can. DON'T REBEL UNTIL YOU LOSE EVERYTHING.
&also, stay firm. I don't believe that teenagers are dumb. They are smart but sometimes, things change their perception, which affects their decision which also in the end, affects their pathways in life.
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