#24: belts

I bought something else as well. Recently.

 2 beautiful thin belts. 1 brown braided one, and another white polka dots on pink belt.

Closer view. I like the braided one though.

Guess how much!?

RM15 for 2!

You know, I saw 1 brown braided one in Levi's, and it's RM159. Yes, for that belt. Ahh this is RM7.50 each!

For me, RM159 is a lot, and I can buy MANY things I want already. So it's not worth the money. In my opinion. Some are willing to spend that much for a belt, but I am not. Sigh.

Anyway good price for 2 right!?

#23: handbags crazy!

So, I was on a shopping spree mode and I don't know why. I just felt like spending like nobody's business until I get broke and go, "oh shit, dad's gonna slaughter me" because I overspend all the time.

1st, it was class test stress.
2nd, I just felt like spending.
3rd, I don't know why.

Then, yeah I bought a lot of things. Today, I mean TONIGHT, I wanna share with you guys with what I bought - bags first!

1. Forever 21

Look at the very soft material, making it look 'free' and NOT stiff. By the way, it's made of 'leather'. Super soft one. I love soft bags. 

Its shape not 'disturbed'. 

The unique strap. The strap is bounded to the metal hook by its side. Special right? (to me it is)

Guess how much was it?


The price before discount is RM119!

Ah I tell you, I love discounts like that. Plus it's made of soft material and I hope it'll last (:

2. Night market

I went to the night market last night somewhere, and I managed to get a bag of my liking as well.

The drawstring bag! It comes in 2 length straps. This is the long one. 

&this is the short one. The material.. Hm.. Soft too. It's very, very soft and it's leather-like as well. 

Yes, 'Loewe'. Hey, did I say that I got this from a night market? =/

Also, I think it's a good buy, since I spent RM20 on this! My goodness! RM20!

I expected that they'll charge me RM30 or RM40 for this. Oh well, as long as it's not more than RM20.

I know, this bag looks like it's worth RM10. However, this is still a good buy to me. A cute bag at RM20? not easy to find!

It's RED is eye-catching as well. &its cute tags on the bag itself, is also attractive. Looks as real as it's design, but of course, not the same when it comes to color. What's similar is its tags, I think. The button stuff. &the logo.

3. Dorothy Perkins

I went for shopping at Mid Valley today, after meeting up for lunch with my friends who came from Sarawak for a few days visit, and an ex-college mate.

Since I felt like spending (AGAIN), I walked around, hoping I'll find something I like. I was hoping to spot for jeans (since I'm also on a jeans shopping spree) but oh well. I didn't find any jeans cheap on sale in Mid Valley but instead, I found this bag!

Slingy! :D 

With adjustable strap.. 

Another bag made of soft material. Something like leather as well. (I think I'm attracted to leather now) Oh yes, with 2 pockets, with straps over it. 

The price before discount!

I paid.. RM69.50 for this bag!

My goodness, another good buy! It's from Dorothy Perkins! The shop that sells things no less than RM100 besides jerseys. &currently denim.

I hesitated on buying because it's RM69.50, not RM50 ): But I bought it anyway. For it's material, and name.

How often do you see 50% discount? So.. I GRABBED IT. whee! I spent a lot nowadays but.. oh well.

I love the bags I've been buying for the past week! :D

#22: cases

I know, I've been missing for far too long.

Anyway, I'm back for now! (:

Today: pencil cases

I'm so sorry, but I love stationery a lot (: So yes you don't want to know how many pens, pencils, cases, etc I have.

I got them 3 weeks ago, if I'm not mistaken?

AFTER SHOPPING! (: Which girl doesn't like shopping huh?

Take a peek ;p 2 cylinder-like stuffs.

Tadah! 2 colors, in greenish and pink.

LOOK! The original price is RM15 each.
Guess how much I got them for?

RM9.90 for 2 of them! So it's RM4.95 each!

If you fancy them, quickly go to Miss T and get them soon because the sales is still going on. You don't wanna regret for not getting them aye.

You can put other stuffs into the case. Maybe.. make up? Eyelash curlers, foundation case definitely cannot be fitted in but you can put in eye liners, anything small and important.

I think RM9.90 is not too expensive for 2 cases, since some of them can be quite pricey. Like look at this, the original price is RM15 each!

I wouldn't pay RM30 for 2 cases. I rather use RM30 to buy clothes!

Or eat (:

P/S: a haul might be coming up next soon!

P/P/S: my best friend and I joined Malaysia's Next Top BFF contest by Clean & Clear, and I really need YOUR help, as YOUR every vote matters to us. please go to the link stated below if you're willing to help us! also if you don't want to vote, at least please try to read what i posted on that post? THANKS <3

link: http://commentingonmyrainbow.blogspot.com/2011/07/clean-clear-round-3.html

[Clean & Clear Round 3]

So, my best friend and I got through the audition and here we are, ROUND 3 - the voting game.

Ah! I've always thought that the voting part is the toughest.

So, I need YOUR help.

Step 1: go to http://facebook.com/mycleanclear and like it
Step 2: go to 'Top Best Friends' application where they list wall, info, photos, videos, etc (btw, do not go to photo albums as that is not the way how you vote it, and you gotta vote it through getting into the application) (oh yes, it takes very long to load)
Step 3: go to gallery
Step 4: go to page 2, and spot our name "Yuen May Toh  & Carlmann Yap"
Step 5: vote for us! either through FB vote, or if you buy any Clean & Clear items from Watsons, do upload the image and vote for us.

Your vote is very important to us.

This will determine whether we'll get into Top 20. Now we're in the Top 25.

Please do help us.

Also, if you can, please spread the words to vote for us (: &every voter can vote once a day so if you can, vote for us everyday!

If you use Clean and Clear products (&you buy it from Watson's) don't forget to use that piece of receipt to vote for us. It carries higher number of votes. (especially if you haven't vote for us before because I think for now they don't allow the same voter to vote everyday)

Thanks a lot guys <3

P/S: if you guys can vote everyday, thanks! every vote means a lot to us, like, A LOT. please help us (:

P/P/S: we did a mini challenge that got us through Round 1, an audition through Round 2, and now we're at Round 3. your help to vote for us will help us a lot, and we appreciate everytime you vote for us.

[Clean and Clear Top Best Friends audition]

URL: http://www.facebook.com/mycleanclear

So, my best friend and I joined this contest because I thought that it'd be fun, and I never thought that we'll ever be shortlisted to be the Top 60.

Thus, we got RM100 cash/pair and Clean and Clear products.

Anyhow, I'm sure Carl Mann and I had fun during the audition.

We reached at Naga DDB at 8.30am and someone in charge said we were too early. No harm being early, but oh well, I didn't expect us to be that early anyway.

I didn't expect that the road will be so..empty.

When we reached, Carl Mann and I were both shocked because we didn't take this seriously, and saw the other pair of BFF dressed so model-like and there it goes, our confidence. They wore heels but Carl Mann wore flats and I wore dress slippers. Oh to make it worst, my tummy was showing even more. Argh.

Then we waited at the pantry.

When it was time for registration, we quickly went to register as it's first come first served basis so if we register early, then we'll get that audition done faster too.

We were placed in Group 1, together with Shuraya and Nadia.

After registration, we still had to wait. For almost 1 hour.. Then we went to the main boardroom for briefing. (Photo credits: Clean & Clear) (except the last 2 pictures)

Spot me!
After 10-15 minutes of briefing, we still had to wait for around 5 minutes before the session started.

Carl Mann, yours truly, Shuraya, Nadia. Right before our session (:
My batch for the audition :D
After the Q&A session, we proceeded for the photoshoot session. No pictures for that because I can't find any.

The hardest question I think they asked us was, "do you think you have what it takes to be the next top BFF? why?" Ahhh. My head almost cracked because I didn't know how to answer.

It was either the super excited yes or.. "to be honest, well, we'll try out best to have what it takes to be the next top BFF". It's damn tough. Sigh.

Anyhow, after the photoshoot session, it's the video taking session (Confidence booth) where a video will be recorded of us introducing ourselves, where we come from, and how we became best friends, etc. &I think we kinda screwed it up the video taking as well, because they require us to make us look like best friends on the video but there's language barrier, how to be the way we are?

Our BFF language is full of vulgarity, how to show it publicly? Sigh.

I don't think we can get through this stage again but..

We had fun.

That's all it matters, because it's been quite some time since we ever spent quality time together (:

Thanks Clean & Clear, you gave us a chance to spend real quality time together after 1.5 years being separated because of being in different colleges.

After the audition, we left the place with:

A bag full of products and RM100 (:

If you're wondering what's in the bag..

Cleanser, toner, moisturizer, compact powder, &sticky notes!
Awesome right!?

Obvious enough it's Clean & Clear right!?

I'm really grateful for them although I've never really used them before.

Now I can just pray that Carl Mann and I can get through this audition stage. Tomorrow's my super d-day because it's both my Physiology test and audition results day. ARGH.

NOTE: Hiatus.

Hey guys,

I'm sorry for being away, but I promise, I'll be right back!

Now I'm having my class test, so I can't put up any posts yet.

Wait for me alright! (:

Lots of love,


I don't know if it's right for me to pour my thoughts in here as well, but if it's not preferable, please let me know through comments, then I'll make this blog thoughts-less ;p

Anyway before all that, I want to write my thoughts on the course I'm taking right now. Yes, Pharmacy, a course which is collaborated with University of Strathclyde, Glasgow.

(for those of you who are not sure, the course I'm taking is Master of Pharmacy, to be precise. differences between the Bachelor degree and this Master degree is..the origin of the certificate. Master of Pharmacy is from UK. Bachelor is from anywhere else, besides America, Canada and a few other places. places like Canada will award Doctor of Pharmacy for graduates. any Master of Pharmacy at undergraduate level is from UK. plus don't get fooled by the award title, it's just the same as ANY Bachelor's degree. not to say that Pharmacy do not have any postgraduate courses. there is.)

Warning: TEXT POST, no pictures. It might bore you to death.

It's definitely not easy, that is what I've to say if anyone ask me how's the course. It's really difficult, for a person like me because I'm not the type who would sit down and study 24/7. I'm a playful kid person. I need to move around most of the time. I really cannot sit still. I don't know why.

So if you can sit down and study, then, taking courses like Pharmacy is cool. There's too many things to study in a semester (4 months, max). An overview of modules I've taken till now.

  • Bioscience 1 & 2
    Biological sciences. A general module though, just like Biology. Biological Sciences, Biology, NO DIFFERENCE. Plus, I'm not a Biology person, so what can I do? LOL. I cannot memorize. Besides, I'm not ashamed to tell the whole world I failed Biology at pre-university level because, I REALLY AM NOT A MEMORIZING PERSON! I know, bad results, how to meet the world, etc. Thank God AUSMAT takes top 4 subjects into account.
  • Foundation Chemistry
    Another general module, just like general Chemistry. A lot of understanding too. I don't attend classes so, it's a problem. If I'm not mistaken, we learnt Analytical, Structure and Bonding, Organic, Inorganic, Physical. The 5 chapters in Foundation Chemistry. My favorite one is Analytical and Physical because they are very closely related to Mathematics.
  • Basic Mathematics for Pharmacists
    Hey! Guess what!? I didn't attend ANY classes for this module because the lecturer talks to himself so I didn't want to attend as I won't have any mood to be in his class. Sorry Dr Stefen. But it's alright. It's what I've learnt in Form 4, Form 5 and a little from pre-university. And there's a lot I didn't understand as well. Differentiation, integration, algebra, functions? Normal stuff. Just the only extra one is to differentiate and integrate trigo.
  • Biopharmacy 1
    I thought it'll be closely related to Biology because of the word bio but I was wrong. It's a module full of ORGANIC CHEMISTRY. It's all about carbon, carbon and more carbon. Not very easy, and not very tough either. But the practicals in Biopharmacy is the best, compared to Foundation Chemistry and Bioscience. It's also partially because I don't need to write a full report for this module. They have prepared the report forms for us! It's really awesome. All you need to do is just write down your experiment results and do some calculations. Speaking of lazy kids like me.
  • Physiology 1 & 2
    This module is DEFINITELY not easy. A lot of memorizing too. Worst than Bioscience but I hope I can pass this because my upcoming test is 100%, consist of 1 essay. Yes, 1 essay, worth 100%. Physiology is something like..neurons, endocrine, cardiovascular system, central nervous system, cells, etc. Something like that. Hmm. It's more on humans though. Like hello! Pharmacy, right!?
  • Statistics for Pharmacists
    I don't know why this module existed =/ Never attended after I went for a class.
  • Foundation Pharmacy
    Lol, another module I'm blur about. It's more ethical than other modules as this module 'teach' you how to be a 'perfect' pharmacist. Study the ethics a pharmacist should have, etc. I've an assignment to do for this module. A report on migraine. The causes, effects, prevention, cure, etc. 3000 words o.O or was it more? Sigh, I'm too blur.
  • English for Academic Writing
    ANOTHER USELESS MODULE! I don't know why they want us to take this module for. It's to 'help' us. My goodness. The uni I'm in wants IELTS and MUET so fine, I take them and they now force us to take this module. Well.. Sigh. Oh yes have I added that my uni will only accept Band 7.0 for IELTS and Band 4 for MUET? UK universities only require Band 6.5 but my uni wants us to get Band 7.0 for some reason. Sigh. And MUET too =/ I thought twinning programmes won't need this? Plus I'm in a private university, NOT local university. Well. Regulations!
  • Bahasa Malaysia
    USELESS MODULE. They said the MQA requires us to study this, Moral Education and Malaysian Studies at diploma level. I don't know if they want our money or what, but it's a must. I studied them last year in Sunway already ):
That's all I've stepped into. I'm not looking forward to Semester 3 because I know they have Microbiology. I'm really scared of Biology. I'm currently in Semester 2, and will finish my 1st year by late September and I'll be in 2nd year in late October.

(WOOHOO! 2nd year student yo!)

Don't ever think that Pharmacy is 90% Chemistry and 10% Biology or they have a little Biology and a lot of Chemistry. Sigh. I heard that it is that way but from what I'm studying now, it doesn't seem so.

If you want to put yourself into misery study Pharmacy, think twice. Go ahead if becoming a pharmacist have been your dreams all the while but stop and think if you are not willing to give up your social life for this course. I like socializing so..I kinda regret.

Not only that, other things you would like to consider is the recognition of the degree. I've always wanted to study in University of Sydney from some weird reason but I couldn't go there because I didn't reach the requirement. Let's say I'm not smart enough. The offers I got from Australia was Bachelor of Pharmaceutical Sciences, from University of Canberra and RMIT.

Not forgetting the cost too. If I were to study in Sydney, I'll need a rough amount of RM600k, because their fees increase every year, and let's say if you pay AUD35k per annum for the first year, you might have to pay AUD36~k for the 2nd year. It's not like UK, where if you pay £17k, you'll pay £17k per annum till you graduate. Now, I'm taking 2.5 + 1, and I need a rough amount of RM190~k for the whole course. And if I were to take 2 + 2, I will need RM260k~. Well, further information, if you need, you can ask me, or you can go and do your own research why, and what are the differences.

There's a lot to know about this, and what I have about this course is 3 years worth of collection. It may not be the best, but I don't mind sharing with ANYONE of you who would want to take up Pharmacy as your undergraduate course.

You know what's stupid? I planned to go to Australia all the while since Form 4 and look, I'm now taking a twinning programme to UK. *sweat*

btw people, the latest information I got about Pharmacy is last year, so it might have changes, as their regulations may change and all.

If you were to ask why I chose Pharmacy..

I've been thinking of becoming a pharmacist since high school because any courses I talk/suggest to my dad/family will always get a rejection. The courses I suggested were mass comm, hotel management, criminology, etc.

It was either medicine, dentistry or pharmacy. So here I am, in Pharmacy. I don't know if it's the best for me or what.

Oh yes, I went for 2 interviews. I went to both Monash and IMU for their MBBS entrance interview. I got through for both, but the only thing that stopped me from entering is my results. Sigh. It's not a heart wrenching thing though. I wonder why. Monash is definitely not easy to enter, because they require ISAT, an interview and results. IMU is easier as they require an interview and results. Oh yes, not forgetting both require IELTS.

If you ask me how many courses I've considered, I'd say plenty.

Before this, Pharmaceutical Sciences was in my choice just in case I couldn't get into Pharmacy. Just so you know, Pharmaceutical Sciences is another pathway into Pharmacy if you can't get into Pharmacy. It's a 3 years course. So if you want to be a pharmacist in profession, take up a postgraduate course in Pharmacy and there you go - a pharmacist. Additional 2 years after graduating, so 5 years altogether.

Sadly I could get into MPharm =/

If I couldn't, I would have gone to either Canberra or RMIT. (maybe not) (I'm just crapping. my dad wouldn't allow anyway. it's too pricey to study abroad)

(Oh yes not forgetting Psychology too! I dropped Psychology as a choice after I took Psychology as a subject in MCKL last year for A Levels. It's too boring for me. All you need to do is read, understand and read. I CANNOT!)

Initially (before I got into this course) I thought Pharmacy won't be that tough. And I am here suffering now because I play a lot. I am not willing to sit still and study. That's all. If I have perseverance, then I could have sit still and STUDY like a nerd. But I can't. Sigh.

What a disappointment to my dad.

For now, I see it as a torture, but maybe 10 years down the road, I won't regret, and will be glad for studying Pharmacy.

P/S: For those who read this post, I'm so sorry for this long winded post. If you don't want this kind of post again, please comment below, or dislike this post, then I'll know and I won't bore you to death again.



#21: DoubleStuf Oreo

I know right, of all things, food? Why food? Like you all never tasted it before and all right?

I like lah! I just discovered this in The Store last Tuesday anyway. I never knew Oreo got new stuff since forever. They even have blueberry and chocolate flavour.

I got confused between the normal one and the one I'm going to share now. It took me 5 minutes to realize that this is "DoubleStuf" it means double the cream in between the crackers. Sorry, I know I'm a lil dumb. Not a lil, very dumb but I of course got excited when I saw this.

DoubleStuf Oreo!

Look at the cream! Omgee, damn thick, damn a lot. (crap, I should have compared it with the normal one)
Anyway, in my opinion I think that it's a little too sweet for me, although I love sweet stuffs. It's imbalance to have a lot of the cream and 2 normal piece of crackers flattening it together.

The normal one will do.


This will be awesome for the vanilla cream lovers! (or what cream is it? I shall assume its vanilla then)

I thought I will like it a lot because it's DoubleStuff, aka A LOT OF CREAM! I think I would love this if I was younger.

Sigh, too late isn't it?

#20: Tiffany & Co. bow pendant inspired earrings

I got this pair of necklace from Tiffany and Co. last December (2010) when my Australian friends and I were shopping in KLCC with my dad together.

I got really attracted to the bow when I first saw it with diamonds. Yes diamonds. I never liked diamonds until I saw this bow pendant.

Look at the sexy diamonds. How can you NOT like it? It's true that diamonds are a girl's best friend. (not really, just saying for the fun of it but the diamonds on the pendant is really attractive. at least to me)
But I didn't get the diamond one because it costs around RM7k. RM7k for a necklace is too much.

I think it's expensive because of the name too. Well, it's Tiffany and Co. alright? Not everyone would like it but I like it (:

Anyway! Back to topic, instead, I got this:

Silver bow pendant (: no expensive diamonds.
It's around RM375 ($125) if I am not mistaken. I got it because it's the cheapest among all the other materials they used. They also had the yellow gold one, but I didn't get that because my dad said gold will make me look old plus if I were to wear it everyday, people might pull it from my neck, dangerous, etc.

Safety purposes yo. You also know that the world is not a safe place anymore.

It looks pretty too, however. I like any bow pendant. It's attractive!

Okay I better stick to the topic.

So yes, I went to The Offline Blogshop in Times Square last weekend and I got this:

Crap, the silver color of this bow earrings can't be seen. Anyway, the color is similar (: And the design is also similar to  the Tiffany and Co. bow pendant. Right, right!?

&it's only RM8. From NekoMimi.
I think this pair is worth my RM8. It can't be the same but it's similar. Plus they are both silver (:

Before I bought it, I thought it'll be around RM20+? Because most of the accessories in the Offline Blogshop can be quite pricey and that's why I never buy things from there.

RM8 is overpriced for a pair of studs but since I wanted it to be paired with my necklace, I bought it. Ah, talking about being a brat.

Anyway, RM8 is still less than RM10 right?

#19: FreshKon (Shimmering Grey)

Remember I said I wanted to get the contact lenses from FreshKon?

I didn't buy them in the end?

Yes I didn't, but my parents did! :D

Yeay! I don't know why but they got them for me anyway because it was 8 pairs for RM300. My dad finally think its worth it. I think it's approximately the same, 3 pairs = RM110, 9 pairs = RM330. Or wait, is it not?? I think the optical shop (Alpine Optics, Sg Wang) is earning money well so.. no comments on that.

Anyway, the first pair I opened today is Sparklers - Shimmering Grey.
FreshKon Colors Fusion. It's the name of the series, obviously.

It's expiring in 2015 and today is 2011 =/ Yes, my power is quite high. Btw, I am supposed to use toric lenses but as long as your astigmatism power doesn't exceed more than -0.50 for each eye, then it should be fine.
I wore it this morning, and I forgot to take picture of this in the packaging. Damn. Anyway! I don't think you can really see the color, but can you see the whitish thingy in the circle? Yep, it's quite light but when you put the lenses into your eyes..

It's not that obvious.
Personally I like grey color because I've been using grey for quite sometime last year (Blincon toric lenses - RM180), until I discovered that Geo lenses can be gotten easily in OUG night market. I know, I know, it's not safe and I still got them.

Talking about being stubborn and not afraid of getting blind. (but I am now since I got infection from wearing contact lenses last March)

Anyway, yes, FreshKon is currently my favorite brand for contact lenses and you will definitely not regret for buying FreshKon. Some FreshKon colors are really pretty. (till then people!)

Oh yeah, FreshKon lasts for 1 month, unlike Blincon which can last for up to 3 months and GeoLens, 1 year.

P/S; I've got other 7 pairs but I'll put them up 1 by 1 once I open them for future use.

#18: KissMe liquid eye liner pen

Just as the title stated.

Finally, I got the liquid eye liner pen I wanted.

Not really. I should have gotten the other one. Same brand, but the other one is darker, and it can produce 2 lines - thicker, and thinner, up to you.

Anyway, yes!

KissMe. a brand from Japan (:

This is the best I could take, and if you can't read it directly from the picture, here it is: heroine make - smooth liquid eyeliner. I wonder why must they put the wordings in gold. Hm.

I tried to focus at the tip so many times but failed. It's blur, but I think you can see this. It's fine and sharp. You will have only 1 choice - thin line. The other one can make thick or thin line, up to you.

On me hand!

Let's just say, I suck at putting eye liner, so this is the best I can show and yes I have freckles and I've eye bags. In case you're wondering, I didn't put make up on (: I used my camera, which has dual screen and it has beauty shot. *hinthint*
It's really nice to have 1 eye liner pen. It's easier to control compared to other liquid eye liners. I prefer pen over anything.

Gel eye liner is okay too. I like it because it stays, and it doesn't smudge etc.

Oh yeah! This eye liner is water proof, and it doesn't smudge too (:

Worth the money. I paid RM30~ for this eye liner. I think the price before discount is around RM48. I am not so sure. I got this when they had 10% discount off normal price plus since I got Watsons membership card, they took RM8 off the price I had to pay. So to be more precise, around RM36.

Pricey, but I think it's worth it.

[Birthday surprise from Nuffnang & TGV]


Yeah I know this is way too late but well, not yet a month. Almost a month but not yet ;p

Anyway! I received an email from Nuffnang 1 day and I was shocked because I received..

Dear Nuffnanger, 
Happy birthday from all of us at Nuffnang and the good people at TGV Cinemas!
As part of the TGV Birthday Surprise for Nuffnangers, you've been selected to receive FOUR (4) complimentary passes for any movie* at TGV Cinemas outlets nationwide, which we hope will make your birthday a special one indeed :)
Feel free to drop by and collect your passes from the Nuffnang office before 6 July 2011(Wednesday). Our office is open from 9am - 6pm on weekdays (with the exception of public holidays), and is located at; 
12B-5 & 12B-6, Heritage House,
33 Jalan Yap Ah Shak,
50300 Kuala Lumpur. 
You are allowed to appoint a representative to collect the passes on your behalf should you not be able to collect the passes yourself. Do make sure to provide your representative with the email address that you used to register with Nuffnang though, as we will need it as verification of identification upon collection of the passes. 
Once again, happy birthday and we hope you enjoy yourselves with the complimentary passes! Don't forget to give TGV Cinemas a little shoutout for being so awesome if you decide to blog about this birthday surprise ;) 
*Terms and conditions apply. 
Anne Cheah
Blogger Relations
Nuffnang Sdn. Bhd.

It's really unexpected okay! I never received anything like this before. It's my first time and of course I'm happy. Maybe I can use it on Transformers. Or maybe not. I don't know. I shall wait.

I must collect it on Monday or else I won't get the 4 tickets!


