
I did say i wanna blog almost everyday but oh well. Plan failed.


1. lazy
2. busy - i also don't know what i'm busy of

anyway, on a happier note, i am going to Singapore this weekend & yes i am super excited for no reason. it's not like i've not been there. it's been 7 months since i stepped into Singapore. kinda miss it but i don't miss the exchange rate.

& yes i am gonna buy Liese hair products in Singapore :) since it has hair spray & stuff already so i can't wait to get them! :p

Malaysia don't even have heat protector spray for hair straightener & curler thingy. it's something like you protect your hair from getting damaged from the heat & stuff.

i got it last year, & just used it 2 weeks ago for the very first time :)

very very pleasant smell. & my next cue is the hair spray! :) hope it'll not smell like crap :/ crap - strong smell. i guess it'll have a pleasant smell as well.

& on a very bad note, exams are in exactly 2 months' time & i haven't even started anything. i should but i am too lazy so.. i don't know! i should start studying now, i know.

soon. when i am back from Singapore.

hope i will get to go to Universal Studios again! <3

& eat my laksa in Toast Box. heavenly.

#healthpromotion #lifeasastudent

So, the question I got was something like micro & macro functions of a pharmacist in public health. Okay. I'm so lost can?!? & I don't think I can get anything done by tomorrow morning. So screwed yet so relaxed.

I really don't know how to get started, because the deadline seems so faraway but I know it'll be tomorrow in a blink of an eye. I should start..I think?

& also I got extemporaneous laboratory session tomorrow too. I hope I won't have to get near to any ichthammol substances anymore. It stinks like crap, like tar? I can't take it anymore seriously.

Anyhow on a lighter note, you looking big doesn't necessarily mean you're fat :)

I used to think I was overweight with fats & only fats. & no muscles. Turns out I'm wrong because I'm overweight muscular.

What's overweight muscular? Isn't that overweight already? Lol hello it's not :) It means I am muscular in a sense where I've high mass of muscles in my body. I least expected that because I don't do exercise.

I guess I gained all that from ballet. Explaining to my friends will only get us to argue so, yes to you guys who might be less judgmental :) Yes I'm not that normal skinny/slim girl walking by the streets. I've big bones, & I don't have a small bust either. & I'm not tall either. I don't stand taller than 5 feet.

I'm wondering how to break my muscle cells to fats, & then I can lose them all. Tough aye. I don't wanna do treadmill anymore because it'll cause my thighs to be even bigger than it already is. I want it to be smaller. No don't tell me to run because I've enough muscles in my thighs. Ahhh any exercise to make my thighs smaller?

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