Q: which one should I buy?

Hi everyone! I shall start posting other type of posts like this for some reason.

Anyway! I saw this maxi tube dress in Miss Selfridge and I'm very tempted to buy it. It's around RM146 but since I got the member card, it'll be around RM131.60 after 10% discount.

So, I am really torn in between buying this dress or..

Contact lenses.

The contact lenses are around RM110 for 3 pairs (usual price: RM55/pair). and among all the colors they have, I plan to get..

Baby aqua, warm hazel, misty gray/romantic violet.

So how? I am really torn between these 2. Contacts.. I still have Geo lens, and another new pair of brown lenses.

Anyway! I'll appreciate it if you guys can help me choose and comment your opinion.

Thanks guys! <3


I bought other things instead.

anyhow, instead of spending RM131 on the Miss Selfridge dress which was too plain or RM110 on 3 pairs of contact lenses when I still have them, I spent around RM185 on other clothes and a pair of shoes.

Teeheeeee :D

I'm a happy kid.

#17: acne gel

Having acne and you don't know what to use?

Oxy, Clean and Clear, etc. So many to choose from aye.

For me, I use REBOUND Total Clear Acne Gel.

Rebound Clear Acne Gel.

Clear gel aye! It's really colorless.

Using a q-tip to take the gel up so I won't dirty it.
This product is not bad at all. It really 'pushes' the pus up and it gets easier that way when I want to pop it.

It's 100% organic, or so the sales girl said.

Just to make sure, the ingredients are:- (I shall note the organic-ness in the ingredients in brackets) (TEST MY CHEMISTRY YO!) (sorry, nothing to do)
*water (inorganic but it's water!)
*denatured alcohol (alcohol is definitely organic)
*calendula extract (extract)
*nicotinamide (amide)
*carbomer 940 (carbo-)
*lavandin oil (oil)

In case you don't know, organic compounds contain carbon-hydrogen bonds (: Or in short, just carbon in them. (My chemistry is not that good so don't curse me for being dumb)

In conclusion, it's organic afterall. (oops, i just checked the ingredients for the first time)

I got this around December 2008. Or was it December 2007? It's quite long ago. And it's not finished yet. Guess when is the due date? January 2013. Long way to go.

And now, where did I get this from?

Do not kill me, but it's from Singapore.

I know, I know, if it's from so faraway, why do I even bother putting this up? It's too good to not even share with you guys! If you ever drop by Singapore, try finding this product. I got this from OG Departmental Store.

If I am not mistaken, it's either less than S$10, or S$20. I remember it's around 20, but I forgot whether it's in S$ or RM. My bad.

It's REALLY good. Plus it's kinda odourless after sometime you put it on. It's not water based, so it doesn't 'diffuse' and make you feel like you've not put on anything. When it dries up, it gets really dry, so I suggest you to put it on at night, when you're not going out because it can get uncomfortable because when you move, you'll know it's there.

Anyway! So sorry for putting a Singapore product up this time.

Just wasted your another 5 minutes.

Sorry guys.

#16: KFC voucher

Hi everyone!

Today will be the first time I'm posting something even more nonsensical. Something that is not related to shopping items.

I hope that will be fine with you guys.

Anyway! I received this a few days ago in my mailbox,

..only to find..

I got RM10 KFC voucher! :D Not only KFC, but it's either KFC, Pizza Hut or Ayamas/Rasamas.

But I rather go for KFC, so it's KFC voucher for me.

How I got it?
I was into online surveys and CPA jobs for the past few months so I joined shoutbox.com.my. I thought that it'll be a lie that I'll get it myself but I can't believe it.

I know this RM10 voucher is nothing but, ahhh, you know, I think I am like a kid, I get very happy when I get something, no matter how big it is.

You guys can try joining them.

Besides, joining other sites like says, churpchurp and iPanel won't hurt right?

I hope that joining them won't be a trouble for you. Links:-

1) Says: http://says.my/yuenmay/invite
2) iPanel: http://my.ipanelonline.com/register.html?inviter_id=659170
3) ChurpChurp: http://www.churpchurp.com/yuenmay/share/churpchurp-invite

Enjoy earning small money! Click the links stated to join!

You actually earn through advertising and answering surveys. Anyway, it depends on you.

I am still collecting as much as I can, so I can cash out the money I earned through CPA and online surveys. I am cashing out my first RM50 from Says already (:

If you're wondering, it works something like Nuffnang if you know.

#15: Diva's headphone splitter

I'm a Diva fan, so I have a lot of things from Diva, from earrings, to anklet, to bracelets to hair bands.

This time, I'm gonna share something from Diva.

Obviously right!?

Hm. Yep, it's a headphone splitter.

I got this few months back, and it was around RM23. Or was it RM29?

I don't know why I bought this, really.

Now I'm regretting because the money I spent on this can get me a set meal from Fullhouse.


It's pink and white.

There, the 2 holes thingy on top of the heart.

Connected to 2 different thingy. 1 portable speaker, and 1 headphones. If you want it to be 'louder', double up the number of portable speakers.

This is nothing, but I just feel like showing the earphones because it's really pretty. I like the stones. It's more for girls.
Overall, I think a headphone splitter is a waste of money.

I know right, you wasted 5 minutes of your life to read this lousy post when you thought that it'll be something good.

really, it's a waste of money because I don't think you'll share whatever you're listening to with friends or family right? Unless you often listen music with your friends or family and share a pair of earphones, then this would be good and helpful. If not, it'll be a waste of money.

So, it's not a recommendation to get ANY headphone splitter by any means.

P/S: If anyone wants this Diva headphone splitter, I can sell it to you at RM20. It's negotiable, of course. I've not used it before, and it's new. Although I threw the packaging already. The packaging is nothing special either. Just a clear bag. I can provide you the clear bag for this if you want. Contact me if you want it. 'cause I don't think I need it.

#14: pencilbox




Yes! I am gonna post something about pencilbox today.

So, this post is targeted to mainly students.

Anyway! YES!

My pencilbox. The one that I bring to class everyday.

Mine is not bulky, so its of course very small and handy.

&my pencil box is only RM5! I got this from Daiso. Daiso has many awesome things and it's worth the money! (Not all though as some can be really pricey for the item)

It's clear colored, so it makes it easier for me to bring it into the exam ;p

My ex got me 1 similar and nicer one before, but it got lost somewhere in Sunway University, so I got a new one. Ah I got so sad because that pencilbox was slightly bigger as it has more space to put more things.

Well, anyhow, I got a new one after that and I've been using it ever since because it's quite transparent, and not 100% clear. Blurrish? =/ Damn my vocab.

Yeah, passion to build new lives.

The inner part of the pencil box.

Everything out from the pencil box. Ruler, highlighter, pencil, pen, eraser, bookmark, liquid paper. Complete set!

If you know how tiny my palms are, then you'll know how small is this pencil box.

If not, look at the size of this tiny pencil box on top of the A4 paper.
This pencil box is really handy plus it's VERY cheap. I'm getting lazier when it comes to carry heavy and big items so this is really good. It is going to be the same for those of you who thinks that carrying heavy and big pencil box is very troublesome.

You can't bring stapler, scissors, etc altogether in this pencil box because it's definitely impossible to do so. So it's good for those who needs basic stationery only.

#13: blemish extractor

You have blackheads and whiteheads and you don't know what to use to extract them?


It makes wonders to your pimples.

From the moment I saw this in Sephora, Ion Orchard (Singapore), I know that I'll get it one day. Just because it was quite costly in Singapore, I didn't get it there. I waited.

And waited.


Until this year! For Sephora to open in Malaysia!

God saves the world. I love Sephora a lot.

Now you can get one from Sephora. There's Sephora in Bukit Bintang and KLCC, for now.

It's quite costly. RM30 maybe? I can't really remember how much I spent on this, but it was definitely less than RM50, that's why I got it.

Anyway, back to topic.

Yep, this blemish extractor has 2 sides.

Wider tip - to clear out blackheads and whiteheads without injuring the skin.

Finer tip - to finish the extraction and eliminate the rest of the content of blackheads and whiteheads. 
Overall, this is okay. It's a hygienic way of extracting blackheads and whiteheads. I used to use my bare fingers and 'extract' them and it can be very bad as my bare fingers can be 'contaminated' with impurities.

So, I definitely think that this is a better way to extract both blackheads and whiteheads. I think it's less painful than using your bare fingers to extract them.

How to clean them?

I normally use a wet cloth to wipe it off. I don't know if it's good enough, but for now, it's okay. Once in a while I'll use soap and wash it off and then use a dry cloth to dry it off.

Get one today!

#12: skincare

I know I've been on a hiatus for a long time for some apparent reason.

Anyhow, today I decided to blog after so long. This time, it's about the skincare products I use! Sometimes you'll wonder what products other uses on their face aye? And whether are they using the expensive ones, or whut.

Here's mine!

Okay so..

The basic face washes. I gotta use them in the toilet. OBVIOUSLY, right?

The Face Shop's STRAWBERRY SCRUB! I like this a lot, because it smells so much like strawberry, and my face gets smoother after using this.

Etude House's Lemon tea cleanser. Just a basic one, to remove the sebum and oil from my face. You know it gets annoying when your face gets oily.

Etude House's Magic enzyme pack peeling. If you're wondering what's this, it's a bottle full of some chemicals which will remove your dead skin. It's very, very useful. And it makes you feel like you're in heaven because your skin becomes like tofu, and baby's butt. I know baby's butt is a disgusting comparison but it's true.

Etude House's Black head heating scrub.  Just like its name. For black heads. I must say that it works remarkably well. I thought it wouldn't but, ah, most of the black heads are gone after I use this scrub.
 After the washing and etc,

Now, the proper skin care, right after the washing activities.

Etude House's O2 White Toner. After patting my face dry, toner is the way. Like any other toner, it's cooling. It's not sticky because it's water based.

Lancome's Blanc Expert Melanolyser. Since I have obvious freckles and removing it is impossible, so the only way is to lighten it. I am not so sure if it works, but, I gotta wait for sometime, since I just started applying this on my face less than a month ago.

Etude House's Good-bye Dark Circle Eye Cream. This is mainly for dark circles so I seldom use this because my dark circles aren't that bad.

Etude House's O2 White Emulsion. It works exactly like a moisturizer of course. It's to lock the moisture on your face and etc. This one is not sticky too, as it's water based.

Bobbi Brown's BB Cream. This is awesome! I like this one because it's smooth and 'nicer' to touch after applying. It doesn't really brightens your complexion but, well, it has SPF and other main things like foundation and moisturizer. This is really pricey; RM150.
Etude House's Sun Guard Super Aqua. Oh it's another water based sun block. It's not sticky, and it doesn't have the normal SPF sharp smell that can kill you. It's alright overall.

The products I use ranges from RM30~ to RM150. RM30 may not be RM30, because I only buy them during sales so, it's about RM20ish. If I am not mistaken, I got the cleanser at around RM20. RM150 is definitely the BB cream.

Oh not forgetting the Lancome, it's RM315 for that tiny tube. And I don't know if it works.

I wonder why skin care products can be really pricey. What are they made of and do they really work? =/

Except those scrubs because I love them and it works really well.
