children magnet

*heavy narcissistic picture post ahead*

Quote of the day: Life can be as beautiful as a flower if you want to, but  you can wither as you go along just because you refuse to shine.

What's up everyone?

I've been busy for the past weekend, and here's what I want to share today :)

I spent the weekends with 1 little girl whom I totally adore. Not my cousin, but my god-niece, Qing.

Who cares right? but here's the thing, this girl is having leukemia. So what else can I do besides playing like a little child with her and make her happy?

When she was 1, she disliked me. When she was 2, she still disliked me. Now when she's 3, FINALLY! She's okay with me.

She has severe mood swings because of the therapy she undergoes. What's none other than the one and only chemotherapy! She's only 3 by the way.

After so long, I've finally got closer to her, and got her cling on me. A big achievement, and of course I was happy because if she doesn't like me, no way I can play with her.

She was even okay with camwhoring! So it's a must to share how adorable she can be.

& please excuse my horrible dressing, etc.



All I can hope now for her is to cure faster, and hope that her platelet count will go higher & be optimal for life :)

She's very very obedient for a child, and she's very shy too.

Telling her once that she cannot eat too much is more than enough. She'll listen to you. & when you ask her if she wants more, she'll shake her head indicating no. My my, when I was 3 I think I got rebellious if someone says no =/

& guess what, all her clothing is pink. Just pink.

Playing with children just got me right into my head that maybe pharmacy is not what I should have done, maybe I should have studied ECE :D

Wokay, I better stop crapping ;p

Anyway the main purpose of this post is, nothing but to share the joy of me being able to make a 3 yo happy when she used to dislike me sooooooooo much!

Life's short.

I miss you Qing.


i am sure every girl has this part where they feel like they are the ugliest on earth, etc, and overweight, ugly/fat, etc. after watching Chriselle Lim's video on body, i still don't dare to love my body.

however, her video is very inspiring ;)

definitely not easy to do try to make your body look like the perfect hourglass shape, but well, everyone has their own taste of hourglass.

my taste of hourglass in women is thin, but fleshy at the same time. something like Chriselle, but a little more fleshy. 

also i've discovered that being too skinny is kinda ugly. i thought my grandma was talking crap when she said that women should have at least a little tummy or else they will look weird. there's once i saw this girl who has totally FLAT tummy and yeah she looks a little weird.

& another very skinny woman pregnant. i was thinking how can she actually carry on with that fetus in her. she looked rather weak to be pregnant. it's like, toothpick and a fish ball by the side if you looked at her from the side.

really, very scary.

reminds me so much of Bella in Breaking Dawn now.

but it's true how Chriselle said to embrace your own body. at the same time, it's definitely not easy.

also, i've not forgotten. height is one important factor too!

online blogshop & dreams

i don't know whether it's me or what, but i definitely learnt a lot from opening an online blogshop.

i met a lot of people, from responsible ones to irresponsible. some of them are very efficient when it comes to replying emails. it's very annoying that when you send a million emails but they stopped replying. they leave you hanging, & you can't help it but you will definitely feel like chopping them into 10 million pieces.

okay, maybe i am exaggerating. but really, i wonder what's so difficult about replying an email stating whether you still want it or not? why wanna waste time when you definitely know you're not getting it from me? & why bother placing an order or say, "okay yes i wanna get that" when you know you'll back out? even if you wanna back out, you could have at least told me.

i don't think they will ever know how a seller would feel when people doesn't reply. the most epic one is when someone leaves you hanging about a skirt with no replies, someone else inquires about it. you have no idea whether buyer A will definitely buy it and somehow, maybe you'll tell buyer B that it's sold or leave buyer B hanging as well.

no one likes that feeling.

having an online business is definitely not easy. i used to think it'll be okay, and i'll let it be as it is and customers will come. little did i know it doesn't work that way! my first customer came after 2-3 weeks? i remember i was very, very excited upon receiving an 'order' email. although it was a very small transaction, i was still very happy for myself.

what's painful of having an online blogshop is that i had to pay for advertisements, and i had to stare at the computer everyday or else there will be no visitors to the blogshop and when there is not visitors, no customers. it doesn't just expand like that. checking emails is also important.

getting reviews from blogshop reviewers are also important! in fact they are very important. as for now, i've gotten a few reviews, and yes again, the first time when i got a review in september, i was very happy as well. although it wasn't a review by a famous reviewer, i was still happy. a review is still a review. it's better than nothing.

initially i wanted to model for the clothes but i know, i don't have either the height or the body so no point modeling them. plus if i want a model to model them, it'll be extra work =/ i really cannot handle anymore work. i know, it's better if i take my own work to display instead of the website's, but i really cannot as woeiyee might not have the time to help me out in the future as well.

a lot of hard work had been put into this blogshop, and i definitely want to expand it. for now, i'm getting the stocks from the suppliers. next time, i want to be a wholesaler as well and a retailer. not forgetting opening a F&B shop and also pharmacy.

now i have to juggle between business and studies. so i've decided to study in starbucks everyday (until i collect my 2012 planner) at least for a chapter or two, then at night, i'll advertise and try to get more customers. i know this is unnecessary but it's just a self note.

i am lucky to have friends who support me in this, and each of them have bought quite a few pieces from me. it's not that i don't have customers, but they are coming in slowly. some of them comes back, but very few.

it's almost 4 months since i opened this blogshop, and the first 2 months were the worst times ever. at least for now, i have a few customers a week. maybe 2-3? at that time, it's either 1, or none. having 2-3 customers a week is definitely better than having none. it's rather demotivating and i shall stick to Kevin's advice, my hard work will pay off. i just don't know when. i could see it coming but it's slow.

i am also trying to widen my range of items to be sold in my blogshop as well.

i opened this blogshop selling preloved & preowned stuffs, and now it has changed into a retail blogshop. it really took me a lot of courage to open this because i never dared to open one because of financial issues and what can i sell online? somehow it came to me that i can sell my things :) a lot of my things has changed owner, and i hope they are happy with their new owner.

i have so many dreams in life, and i don't know which to achieve first. i also have a lot of things to do! i have set my 2012 resolutions, although it's 2 weeks away.

1) try to study as much as i can, and not feel that i will fail for my finals every time when a semester ends
2) get at least 60% for all modules so i don't need to worry if my CMA doesn't achieve what Strathclyde requires a student to achieve to graduate with a MPharm degree
3) attend classes! this is so so so important that i must do this, because i skipped 80% of the lectures this year, except for this semester, so i hope that i will get 50% easily this semester as well. i still skip but not as much as the previous semester
4) be a commercial model (note: not runway!)
5) earn enough profits for self satisfaction (as much as i can afford a Louis Vuitton or a Coach bag) in a month, so i can pay for my gym fees :)
6) lose more weight, and try to cut down on food intake. ever since i lose some weight last year, i maintained that weight and never lose anymore. even my cousin is thinner than me who used to be fatter than me. i feel so lousy.

business and pharmacy are a world apart and i wonder how i could keep this up. thank God for Kevin, since he's a business student, he's actually my business adviser and also my office boy to post my things. oh yes not forgetting he's also my camera man :)

& no, i am not complaining. it's just a self reflection post that i don't want to ever forget about opening an online blogshop.

Click >HERE< to enter!

i think i should start blogging again :) sharing is so fun! although too many words.
