#15: Diva's headphone splitter

I'm a Diva fan, so I have a lot of things from Diva, from earrings, to anklet, to bracelets to hair bands.

This time, I'm gonna share something from Diva.

Obviously right!?

Hm. Yep, it's a headphone splitter.

I got this few months back, and it was around RM23. Or was it RM29?

I don't know why I bought this, really.

Now I'm regretting because the money I spent on this can get me a set meal from Fullhouse.


It's pink and white.

There, the 2 holes thingy on top of the heart.

Connected to 2 different thingy. 1 portable speaker, and 1 headphones. If you want it to be 'louder', double up the number of portable speakers.

This is nothing, but I just feel like showing the earphones because it's really pretty. I like the stones. It's more for girls.
Overall, I think a headphone splitter is a waste of money.

I know right, you wasted 5 minutes of your life to read this lousy post when you thought that it'll be something good.

really, it's a waste of money because I don't think you'll share whatever you're listening to with friends or family right? Unless you often listen music with your friends or family and share a pair of earphones, then this would be good and helpful. If not, it'll be a waste of money.

So, it's not a recommendation to get ANY headphone splitter by any means.

P/S: If anyone wants this Diva headphone splitter, I can sell it to you at RM20. It's negotiable, of course. I've not used it before, and it's new. Although I threw the packaging already. The packaging is nothing special either. Just a clear bag. I can provide you the clear bag for this if you want. Contact me if you want it. 'cause I don't think I need it.


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