Nopes (:
I'm going to post something about someone whom I've never blogged before - my friend, my girl friend, my best friend, my fat yet amazing & awesome boyfriend.
Although it's been 5 months, I would say we went through quite a lot of a 5 months long relationship couple.
Including the time we've met, etc, I would say we've only known each other for maximum 6 months, and this marks today.
We got together on the 1st of April this year, and I would say I have no regrets - so far.
He has been the nicest guy I've ever met, and the most patient one as well. He has been tolerating me since then, and he has been pampering me for ever.
Not in order:
when he came to Genting just to meet me, when he knew it's dangerous to come up alone. |
when he accompanies me to Frames to fulfill my cravings for their spaghetti. |
when we lurk around Mid Valley after his work. |
when we think of what to eat after we both wake up - when we always end up in Padi House. |
when I always want to be taller but FAIL, obviously. |
when we just got together for around 20+ days. |
when I stayed in his shop for the half of the day, looking at him working, folding jeans. |
when we go clubbing (: |
before we got together. |
when he allows me to play with his round tummy. |
when he unexpectedly pinches my face. |
when he's willing to pose like this when he's half asleep, with me making him into a girl. |
when he's willing to follow me to go where I have to go, becoming my unpaid driver companion. |
when he's willing to help me out with renewing my license (: |
when he is also willing to come up to Genting again, and drive me down to the foothill of Genting. |
when we have camwhore because I'm bored and wants to collect MORE photos. |
when we go out yumcha at night. |
when he still acts like 14 playing video games -_- |
<3 |
whenever he ALWAYS give me unexpected kisses, especially in public. |
whenever he follows me to shop. &control me from overspending. |
when he becomes my makan buddy. |
my true companion for the past 5 months. |
what else can I ask for?
He's my driver, heater, rubbish bin, baking partner, my shopping partner, my financial adviser, and most importantly, my companion.
He doesn't shower me with gifts, but he showers me with his heart, which is more than enough, and it worth more than anything in this universe.
He doesn't need to take forever to know what I'm up to, he takes seconds to know. *gasps* I'm like at his fingertips, and it's impossible for me to hide anything from him.
This 5 months worth of relationship has taken up many people's hard work. Especially Shaz & Jen Yen. I cannot stress how much I'm thankful for knowing them, although they almost made me cry many times but oh well, understandable because it's my fault.
Not only them, it's also Kevin himself, for putting a lot of effort into this relationship to make it work.
&also my own friends - Chris, John, and Melissa for their constant patience in listening to my daily rant about this relationship, and my past - which turned me into the bad guy in this relationship. Thanks to the 3 of you (:
I'm sorry for doubting this relationship, for thinking that this won't last more than a month - 2 months - 3 months.. and now we're 5 months old. &of course I want us to last.
I'm sorry for relating you to other jerks I've met - without them, I guess the world will be a better place for me. Knowing them, treating them very well has turned me into a monster, killing you inside & you still tolerated this crap. The thing is, I'm too scared to put my all again. I am also very happy and glad that you understand my difficulties.
I'm sorry for treating you like crap. It's my fault for everything. You deserve someone better - yet you still hold on to me. It's all because you knew why I treated you that way. But things changed, because of some reason why we both know very well.
You've been amazing. You've been the best boyfriend any girl can ask for. At least to me.
Thanks a lot baby (:
It's been 5 months, and I wish that this relationship will go on for as long as we live (:
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