2013 has been 1 heck of a year ; full of ups and downs, from losing phone to having a failed relationship to coming to UK.
Coming to UK has been an experience, doing things on my own, having my own freedom yet I do nothing much about it. I used to think that once I get the freedom, I would go out every single day without fail but that only happened for a short while. Now, I rather stay home and do nothing and I wish my groceries will be in my fridge magically. Except the fact that I go out clubbing (to which I have lose interest long ago) without the need to ask for permission.
It's my first winter (besides winter in Australia which didn't even count since Perth's winter is like Glasgow's summer but it was probably because I was there at the end of winter though -.-) and I am learning how to keep myself warm.
I learned how to cook for myself & my friends, cleaning up, etc. Everything else that I couldn't possibly learn when I am back home.
I remember the first day being in UK, I was enjoying the long hours of daylight (where the sun sets at 10pm and the sun rises at 3am!) and the cold air (since Malaysia is hot and humid all year round). It was all new experience and environment altogether. If I get to choose again, I will choose to come abroad no matter what.
It's been 6 months since the first time I stepped into UK.
2013 has been the year I've been traveling a lot too - yeap if you consider flying back to Malaysia 2 times from the time I came to UK - to which I am grateful of since I am the only one had the chance to go back so many times. I am already feeling guilty since it's so expensive to fly like that.
I have stepped into London too.
Big Ben and a quarter of London Eye. |
Not only once, but twice!
The view from London Eye at night. |
I even went to Harry Potter (Warner Bros) Studio.
There are so many things I learned this year, really. I even learned to appreciate family time - which I didn't.
Hope 2014 will be a better year x
Happy new year everyone *hearts*