Having acne and you don't know what to use?
Oxy, Clean and Clear, etc. So many to choose from aye.
For me, I use REBOUND Total Clear Acne Gel.
Rebound Clear Acne Gel. |
Clear gel aye! It's really colorless. |
Using a q-tip to take the gel up so I won't dirty it. |
This product is not bad at all. It really 'pushes' the pus up and it gets easier that way when I want to pop it.
It's 100% organic, or so the sales girl said.
Just to make sure, the
ingredients are:- (I shall note the organic-ness in the ingredients in brackets)
sorry, nothing to do)
*water (inorganic but it's water!)
*denatured alcohol (alcohol is
definitely organic)
*calendula extract (extract)
*nicotinamide (amide)
*carbomer 940 (carbo-)
*lavandin oil (oil)
In case you don't know, organic compounds contain carbon-hydrogen bonds (: Or in short, just carbon in them. (My chemistry is not that good so don't curse me for being dumb)
In conclusion, it's organic afterall. (oops, i just checked the ingredients for the first time)
I got this around December 2008. Or was it December 2007? It's quite long ago. And it's not finished yet. Guess when is the due date? January 2013. Long way to go.
And now, where did I get this from?
Do not kill me, but it's from
I know, I know, if it's from so faraway, why do I even bother putting this up? It's too good to not even share with you guys! If you ever drop by Singapore, try finding this product. I got this from
OG Departmental Store.
If I am not mistaken, it's either less than S$10, or S$20. I remember it's around 20, but I forgot whether it's in S$ or RM. My bad.
It's REALLY good. Plus it's kinda odourless after sometime you put it on. It's not water based, so it doesn't 'diffuse' and make you feel like you've not put on anything. When it dries up, it gets really dry, so I suggest you to put it on at night, when you're not going out because it can get uncomfortable because when you move, you'll know it's there.
Anyway! So sorry for putting a Singapore product up this time.
Just wasted your another 5 minutes.
Sorry guys.