Hi everyone!
Today I'm not gonna share about cheap stuffs in town but I'm gonna share about piercings (:
You know, nowadays people pierce their tongue, lip, eye brow, ears, belly, and God-knows-where else. Some of us might think it's cool and some of us might think it's gross/disgusting/etc.
Personally I got 7 piercings and yep, apart from all that, I think I'm a piercing addict. When I started piercing last year for my 2nd pair of piercing on my ears, I couldn't stop piercing! I kept on thinking where else to pierce including my tongue and belly.
Oh yes I'm fat but it doesn't mean I can't pierce my belly okay.
I was very close to piercing my tongue but..never mind. No one was supportive of that idea and they scolded me for thinking to pierce my tongue. So in the end I didn't pierce any part of my facial areas.
Anyhow, the most 'epic' piercing I have is my belly piercing and I'm proud of it somehow. I know it's not very good to have one, even my best friend was not so happy about it when I first told her.
Ohohoh, pictures sharing time. I know, you may think I am freaking wu liao, but, I really want to share (:
The pain will be described in the picture captions.

It was painless actually.. Before I know it, it's already done =/ And the price of belly piercing is the most expensive. Argh, dammit. It was about RM60 for me?

My left ear! The top part of the ear, see that? Well, according to the piercing specialist (or so they call themselves) it's the most painful part anyone could pierce then feel. Yep, it's painless when you first pierce and as it goes on (about hours), you'll feel some pain if you accidentally touch it or comb through it because you accidentally comb it when you comb your hair. Ouch. And now I thought of piercing the inner part of my ear.

My right ear! The most decent one. Not pain at all, just normal. By the way, it's cheap to pierce your ears.
Anyhow, piercing is one thing and maintaining it is another. I fail to maintain all of them and it's hmm.. Getting bad. I mean its situation. So if you wanna pierce, think twice! It's easy to take in the pain but it's definitely not easy to maintain it and avoid the redness and all.
Piercings are cool if you ask me. I don't know about you, but I love it. Even if I don't know how to maintain it.
Try looking confident in it ladies!